Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday and the Stroller

As with all of us, aging brings on new challenges.  The change in most cases evolves over time, so it doesn't seem drastic.  Then one day it is apparent that things will never be the same, for good or bad. 

Kodi is a tough little guy that loves to explore, challenge big dogs and smell everything (I let him) during our daily walks.  His curiosity and eagerness would move him along at a rapid pace down any street.  Then two years ago the changes began.  First his lower back gave out.  Then a year ago his front leg had some trouble.  These issues have physically slowed him down, but his attitude toward life is just as youthful as before.  With these physical changes however, our extended walks have me carrying him.  Great for him, but not so much for me!

Last September while walking through the park, we noticed flyers in our neighborhood announcing a church service, "the blessing of the animals".  We have never lived in a place where this occurs other than New York City, and was very interested to participate.

Holy Trinity, an Episcopal church in our neighborhood was inviting us to come.  Since this was more than a block away from our home I ended up carrying Kodi most of the way.  It was worth it.  The service was wonderful.  Rabbits, cats, dogs, birds, hamsters and humans were all sitting in the pews-let's just say it was quite an interesting dynamic between all of the 4 and 2 legged attendees.  At one point, the Reverend asked everyone to walk their animals to the alter for individual blessings.  The whole experience was so moving it brought a tear to my eye. 

Now I am not religious by no means, but do have Catholic roots.  Every time I visit a church, I try to be optimistic that the priest will connect with me and what is going on with the world without being preachy or rehashing the same information in the same way over and over again.  I believe that the person on the alter has the responsibility to connect with it's congregation, to teach, to inspire.  I am usually disappointed and therefore do not go back unless it's a high holiday.   

Today being Easter, it seemed appropriate to attend a service.  I seriously considered the sunrise service in Central Park but knew we wouldn't make it.  Then I remembered Holy Trinity and decided this is where we should be.

Now I didn't mention to you that about a week ago when Kodi and I were in the park and I was carrying him yet again, I met a woman that owned a small dog with similar issues.  She could not stop talking about the virtues of a dog stroller and how it changed both of their lives.  Up until this point I would never have been one to even consider this as an option, but our walks were becoming less pleasurable (at least for me).  When we got home that day I went online and made the purchase. 

Today was our trial run.  Kodi and I traveled over 10 blocks for Easter service; he walked about three and then rolled the rest of the way.  It was a great experience for both of us.  And the service was so very inspiring!  I have found a new place for inner peace, reflection and maybe even community. 

Thank you Reverend.  We will be back again....

Happy Easter to all!

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